Posts Tagged dessert

Chocolaterie break

Just before Christmas, a beautiful chocolaterie opened right next to our apartment called Suite 88. We immediately took advantage by buying chocolaty gifts for friends. Said friends, however, do not live in Montreal, so twice we inherited back the shops’ coupons for a free hot chocolate or Belgian waffle that were slipped into the truffle packages.

We finally redeemed the coupons with a special afternoon treat last week. (We shared tastes of each.)

First was a tall mug of hot chocolate. The many choices included cinnamon, ginger, orange, mint, vanilla, sea salt, and citrus, all with an option of regular, white, or “intense” chocolate. I chose milk chocolate with soy milk with…drum roll…cayenne pepper. It was, indeed, very spicy. According to the website: “Papilles fragiles, s’abstenir.” (Not for delicate tastebuds.) A sure-fire way to warm up on a cold day.

Yusuke was in charge of the waffle decision-making. Sadly, they were out of green tea gelato, which he really, really wanted, so we’ll have to go back again soon.

The white gelato is lemon, with tiny candied lemon pieces. Very light and delicate, it was perfect for cooling one’s tongue after the hot chocolate. The pink is peppered strawberry. Yes, that would be black pepper. The spiciness was surprising and very tasty. It’s hard to describe, but it was a bit eating a black pepper Bertie Bott’s jelly bean at the same time as a sweet frozen strawberry. And obviously, the whole creation was topped with more chocolate.


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Pâtisserie interlude



opera cake

opera cake

Ok, so Yusuke didn’t make these. Plus, they’re old pictures. But I felt like posting them anyway, since Yusuke took me out to a pâtisserie in honour of my birthday in March. We watched most of the St. Patrick’s Day parade, got thoroughly frozen, and thawed out over tea and pastries. I couldn’t choose just one, so we sampled a fruit tart, tiramisu, and an opera cake (chocolate, espresso, almond). Fabulous.

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