Archive for April, 2012

100 Japanese foods

The “100 foods to try” meme is showing up on Facebook again, and since it’s not relevant to my eating preferences, I’m posting Just Hungry’s 100 Japanese Foods to Try instead. Some of these I won’t get to try unless we live/travel more in Japan, but I’ll keep up hope!

I’ve bolded the foods I’ve eaten and crossed out ones that I probably will never eat (because it’s meat…). My comments are in italics, and my favs are marked with **

The original blog post explains what all of these things are!

A List of 100 Japanese Foods To Try At Least Once

  1. Properly washed and cooked, top quality new harvest white rice (shinmai 新米)
  2. Freshly made tofu, as hiyayakko or yudofu**
  3. Properly made misoshiru and osumashi
  4. Properly made homemade nukazuke
  5. Very fresh sanma (saury), sizzling hot from the grill, eaten with a drizzle of soy sauce and a mound of grated daikon radish
  6. Homemade umeboshi** [Ok, never homemade, but very high quality at least]
  7. Freshly made, piping hot crispy tempura
  8. A whole grilled wild Japanese matsutake
  9. Freshly made sobagaki with sobayu
  10. Mentaiko from Fukuoka, or tarako [Not sure if it was from Fukuoka, though]
  11. Onigiri with the three classic fillings***: umeboshi, okaka, shiozake
  12. Assorted fresh-as-possible sashimi
  13. Saba oshizushi [I think…]
  14. Mugicha
  15. Kakifurai
  16. Morinaga High-Chew candy, grape flavor
  17. Karasumi
  18. A pot of oden**, preferably with homemade components especially ganmodoki, boiled eggs and daikon radish
  19. Ika no shiokara
  20. Calpis
  21. Ankou nabe [Other kinds of nabe, though!]
  22. Unadon
  23. Komochi kombu or kazunoko
  24. Yamakake, grated yamaimo with maguro (red tuna) cubes (or just tororo with a raw egg)
  25. Properly made gyokuro shincha [Never new crop, so far]
  26. Milky Candy
  27. Wanko soba
  28. Omuraisu with demi-glace sauce [Not really interested!]
  29. Handmade katayaki senbei
  30. Yohkan (yokan) from Toraya [Not from Toraya, though]
  31. Ishi yakiimo
  32. Natto**
  33. Fresh seaweed sunomono (can also have some tako in it)
  34. Ikura or sujiko
  35. Tonkatsu
  36. Goma dofu**
  37. Chawan mushi or tamago dofu – the same dish either piping hot or ice cold
  38. Freshly made mochi, with kinako and sugar, grated daikon and soy sauce or natto
  39. Gindara no kasuzuke
  40. Hoshigaki
  41. Inarizushi
  42. Chikuzen-ni
  43. Surume
  44. Yakinasu with grated ginger**
  45. Tamago kake gohan
  46. Kabuki-age
  47. Nikujaga [Or non-meat variations therein]
  48. Spinach gomaae
  49. Fuki no tou
  50. Okonomiyaki
  51. Yakitori
  52. Ohagi**
  53. Japanese style curry, with rakkyo and fukujinzuke as condiments
  54. Kenchinjiru
  55. Yakult
  56. Kakipea
  57. Takoyaki
  58. Sakura mochi**
  59. Buta no kakuni
  60. Daigaku imo
  61. Kappa Ebisen
  62. Tori no tsukune
  63. Hakusaizuke
  64. Hayashi raisu
  65. Goya champuruu
  66. Dorayaki
  67. Ochazuke**
  68. Sakuma Drops
  69. Stewed kiriboshi daikon
  70. Takenoko gohan (or in fall, kuri gohan**)
  71. Cream or potato korokke
  72. Fresh yuba**
  73. Real ramen
  74. Monaka
  75. Ekiben of all kinds [Well, I’ve had one kind]
  76. Edamame**
  77. Chicken karaage
  78. Kuzumochi
  79. Mitarashi dango
  80. Konnyaku** no dengaku [I’ve had lots of konnyaku but not with dengaku sauce]
  81. Yukimi Daifuku [Daifuku, but not with ice cream]
  82. Sukiyaki
  83. Nama yatsuhashi
  84. Panfried hanpen [Not panfried]
  85. Nozawanazuke or Takanazuke
  86. Kiritanpo
  87. Amanattoh
  88. Narazuke
  89. Aji no himono [I think]
  90. Baby Ramen
  91. Kobucha**
  92. Kasutera
  93. Tazukuri
  94. Karintou
  95. Sauce Yakisoba
  96. Kamaboko
  97. Oyako donburi [Well, except without meat]
  98. Atsuyaki tamago
  99. Kuri kinton
  100. Japanese potato salad

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